If a show is displaying as "Sold Out," it's for one of two reasons:

1. The event has received enough ticket requests that we won't be accepting more submissions to the waitlist.

2. We have distributed all the tickets that we will be giving out for that event.


We don't notify anyone on the waitlist that they likely won't be receiving tickets until 48 hours before the event.  This is because some people with reserved tickets will decline them, and we will then continue to process tickets from the waitlist.  If those with tickets decline them, the site will automatically allow members to place themselves at the end of the waitlist.


If you have received an email saying that it looks unlikely that we will be able to process your request, there is a very small chance that those with tickets will decline them.  If that happens, you will be notified via email.  We cannot predict if or when that would happen.


You cannot submit a ticket request for a show if it is sold out.